Thursday, September 11, 2008

Correction to last blog

As a correction to the last blog, Mindy is still undergoing chemotherapy to wipe out the cancer cells so it is premature to see new cell growth at this stage. She is just beginning her battle with leukemia so please continue to keep Mindy and her family in your thoughts.


jayefamily said...

Dan- I just found out about Mindy last night from Alec. Barb and I and the kids are deeply affected by the news and are thoughts and prayers are with you, Mindy and the boys. I plan to come and support you and family this weekend. Hang in there brother...good things happend to good people and you two are two of the best so keep positive and more good news on Mindy's recovery to follow. Jeff and Barb

Mom said...

Dan, I was shocked when John told me about Mindy. I'm so sorry that she, and you & the boys, must go thru this. I will pray, along with everyone else who hold you all in such high regard, for her very speedy recovery. When the time is right please pass on our love and concern. I am officially requesting a nite of fun and port when this is all over, and you can bet I'll be there!

Louise said...

Mindy and Dan,
What fabulous news--no more ventilator. Now Mindy can speak her mind and sho some spunk---kick some butt Mindy. You are always in ou thoughts and prayers.
Louise and Tom Buford

dottie said...

We think of you every day and pray that you continue to improve. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You are a fighter and we know you are going to pull through this!!!
Dottie & Howard Rowell

Chriss said...

The power of prayer, love and support is an amazing thing. You are blessed with a great family and circle of friends. I keep you in my heart and thoughts. I pray for God to give you strength, endurance, love and continued support. Keeping you close at heart...Chriss Scott

Gail said...

Fianlly I get to write something! Mindy, you and your family are so loved by all. Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way. Dan, check the mail for some great old photos. I'll be sending more. Hugs and love. Gail, Ray and the animal crew.