Thursday, September 25, 2008

Mindy begins her 2nd round of chemo

Mindy underwent a second procedure on Tuesday to remove fungus from her sinus cavity and tolerated it well. She was given a transfusion of white blood cells and remains on anti-fungal medications in an effort to stop any further growth. She began the second round of chemotherapy yesterday so please continue to keep those positive thoughts and prayers going her way.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl,
Our thoughts and daily prayers are still with you, Mindy. You have been dealt an unfair hand but we have every confidence that you and the angels are tougher. You have the determination, patience, faith and love to come through this. Continue to see yourself healthy and strong in your mind and the body will follow. Please lean on us for anything you need. We love you. Jim and Liz

Donna said...

We are thinking of you and praying for you many, many times each day, along with so many others in our community.

(Thank-you to the bloggers for keeping us informed.)

--Donna Gifford